198 N. Washington Avenue, Bergenfield, NJ 07621 | 201-387-4055

News from the Bergenfield Office of Emergency Management

Mosquito Spraying 9/3/20

Bergen County Mosquito Control will be performing a truck-mounted spraying mission to control adult mosquitoes and larvae using Duet Adulticide and Vectobac WDG in Bergenfield on Thursday September 3.

This application will be performed between the hours of 4-6 AM. Please keep your windows closed and pets indoors during the operation. Also move your pets, their food, and water dishes inside during the ULV application. Additionally, bring clothing and children’s toys inside. Remain indoors with windows closed and with window air conditioners on non-vent (closed to the outside air) and window fans turned off during spraying. If you must remain outdoors, avoid direct contact with the spray. This operation is weather dependent and may be postponed until the next day. For more information and possible updates please visit https://www.co.bergen.nj.us/mosquito-control/bergen-county-mosquito-control-spray-notice.

bergenfield spray area

Mosquito Spraying 8/14

Bergen County Mosquito Control will be performing a truck-mounted spraying mission to control adult mosquitoes and larvae using Duet Adulticide and Vectobac WDG larvicide in some areas of Bergenfield on 8/14/20 between 4-6 AM. PLEASE KEEP YOUR WINDOWS CLOSED AND MOVE YOUR PETS, PET FOOD, AND WATER BOWLS, CLOTHING AND CHILDREN'S TOYS INSIDE DURING THE ULV APPLICATION. During the time of application, please remain indoors With windows closed and keep window air conditioners on non-vent (closed to the outside air) and window fans turned off. If you must remain outdoors, avoid direct contact with the spray. This operation is weather dependent and may be postponed until the next day. More information can be obtained through the Bergen County website: https://www.co.bergen.nj.us/mosquito-control/bergen-county-mosquito-control-spray-notice

Storm Isaias Update

According to PSE&G, only seven homes in Bergenfield remain without power as of 6:00pm on Sunday 8/9. Verizon and Optimum are still working to repair the phone and cable wires, and DPW is out every day cleaning up debris from the roads. Please email oem@bergenfield.com if you still don't have power so we can follow up with PSE&G. 

Food Pantry Update

The food pantry for Bergenfield residents has been moved to Cooper's Pond. It will operate on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm until Borough Hall is reopened. For those in need or for more information, please call Borough Hall at 201-387-4055 ext. 6

Small business help from Bergen County


Bergen County CARES provides Direct Reimbursement to Municipalities and Small Business Grants up to $10,000 for eligible local businesses
HACKENSACK, N.J. – Bergen County Executive Jim Tedesco announces that the County of Bergen will launch a grant program to provide relief for municipalities straddled with expenses related to the COVID-19 pandemic and small businesses financially impacted by the government ordered shutdown. The programs, which utilize CARES Act relief funds, will provide direct reimbursement to municipalities for costs associated with health officials, law enforcement, personal protective equipment (PPE) and social distancing improvements.  “Non-essential” businesses that were forced to close as a measure to stop the spread of COVID-19 can receive up to $10,000 in financial relief to cover rent, property mortgage, and utilities expenses.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has had a serious financial impact on governments and business communities across the country.  It is important that we use available resources to support the municipalities in their efforts to combat the spread of the pandemic and one of the hardest hit sectors, small, mom and pop shops, who were forced to close their doors. These local businesses are the backbone of Main Street, Bergen County and it is important to support our fellow neighbors as we begin to reopen. This is why I am proud to announce the Bergen County CARES Municipal Reimbursement and Small Business Grant Programs,” said Bergen County Executive Jim Tedesco.
"We understand our small Main Street businesses deemed non-essential during the shutdown have struggled to survive. Your continued survival and thriving is essential to us in Bergen County, and we encourage you to apply for this assistance with your rent, business mortgage, utility or other costs,” said Bergen County Freeholder Chairwoman Mary Amoroso. “We are also sensitive to the challenges our municipalities face to provide the critical resources needed to end this pandemic.”
Under the Bergen CARES Municipal Reimbursement Program, all 70 municipalities are entitled to direct reimbursement from the County for COVID-19 related expenses identified in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. These expenses include payroll expenses for health care workers and public safety employees, PPE and building improvements. 
To qualify for the Bergen County CARES Small Business Grant program, scheduled to receive applications mid-July, businesses must fall under the following criteria:
·       Businesses with a physical location in Bergen County, NJ. Home-based businesses are eligible.
·       Businesses deemed “non-essential” within the classification of “Businesses Required to Close” as per the Governor’s Executive Order No. 104, dated March 16, 2020
·       Businesses with 1 - 19 full-time employees
·       Sole-proprietorships; LLCs; LLPs; Corporations; and S-Corporations are eligible.
·       Businesses owned by county employees and elected officials, as well as their immediate families, are not eligible
·       Businesses must have been open and operating on March 1, 2020
Priority will first be given to businesses who have not received any Federal grant assistance, New Jersey Economic Development Authority grants or US Small Business Administration grant or other grant assistance.
The Bergen County CARES Municipal Reimbursement and Small Business Grant Programs are funded through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act Federal relief fund. The County of Bergen intends to begin accepting applications for both programs by the end of the month. A subsequent announcement will be made regarding the small business grant application process. Questions about the County’s grant programs can be sent to BergenCountyCares@co.bergen.nj.us.

6/14 Protest notice

On Sunday, June 14th, there will be a peaceful protest for Black Lives Matter that will begin at 1:45 pm beginning and ending at Bergenfield High School. The anticipated protest march could potentially affect the following street closures: Prospect Avenue, Clinton Avenue, Columbia Avenue, & Washington Avenue. The protest will conclude at approximately 5:00pm. Bergenfield embraces the right of citizens to gather peacefully in a safe environment and to voice their concerns as related to the injustices and inequalities that exist in society. Bergenfield supports all victims of racial inequality and violence. We understand these events have been traumatic and painful and are committed to embrace open dialogue on issues of race and racism no matter how difficult or uncomfortable. For everyone's safety, if you plan to attend, please follow social distancing protocols and wear a mask. Thank you for your cooperation.

Board of Health Meeting

Due to the current state of emergency and public health emergency declared by Governor Murphy pursuant to Executive Order No. 103, and in an effort to prevent further spread of COVID-19, the Board of Health meeting will be held via Zoom on Tuesday, June 9th, 2020 at 6:30PM. Notice was posted on the Bergenfield Website, placed on two Municipal Bulletin Boards and is on file in the Borough Clerk’s Office.



Felicia Williams

Registrar of Vital Statistics

Health Department

Update 5/11/20

Bergenfield OEM
COVID-19 UPDATE 5/11/20 4:00pm
Total cases = 833; New cases in last 24 hours = 0*
Total deaths = 36; Total deaths in last 24 hours = 0
  1. COVID-19 testing now available in Bergenfield. Click here for details.
  2. Taxes can be dropped off in the BORO TAX BOX located in the rear entrance of Borough Hall. A receipt will be mailed to you. (Deadline extended to 6/1.)
  3. Overnight Parking restrictions suspended until May 17th.
  4. All parks & school grounds remain closed.
  5. Boro Hall open weekdays 10am-2pm by appointment only.
  6. Bergenfield OEM Emergency Operations Center remains operational 24/7

* = Three additional cases reported over the weekend, but zero in the last 24 hours.