198 N. Washington Avenue, Bergenfield, NJ 07621 | 201-387-4055

News from the Bergenfield Department of Public Works

Thanksgiving Day 11/26/20 & Day After 11/27/20: DPW Garbage & Recycling Holiday Pickup Schedule

Please review your 2020 garbage & recycling pickup schedule calendar for changes in the pickup schedule during the week of 11/23/20-11/27/20. The Borough Hall Offices and the DPW are closed Thursday 11/26/20 & Friday 11/27/20 in observance of the Thanksgiving Day holiday and the day after Thanksgiving. Changes in pickup schedule are highlighted in yellow on the garbage & recycling pickup schedule calendar.

IMPORTANT: There is a garbage pickup on Friday 11/27/20 for Quadrant 2 and for Quadrant 4, and there is a garbage pickup on Saturday 11/28/20 for Quadrant 1 and for Quadrant 3, in order to allow for 2 garbage pickups in each quadrant for the week of 11/23-11/27/20, as the Borough is closed Thursday 11/26/20 & Friday 11/27/20. Garbage pickup days are marked with the green letter "G" on the pickup schedule calendar. Please review the pickup schedule calendar (front, page 1) and the garbage & recycling guidelines (back, page 2).

To view your quadrant's 2020 pickup schedule calendar, please click your quadrant's calendar link below:

Quadrant 1 

Quadrant 2

Quadrant 3 

Quadrant 4 

All garbage & recycling carts must be placed at the curb before 6:00am the day of pickup, but not sooner than 6:00pm the night before pickup.

Leaf season collection: 12/4/20 is the last day that residents may put their leaves out in piles at the curb. Please check the news section of the Borough website for "Daily Leaf Collection Updates," to find out the area where the DPW leaf collection crews will be collecting leaves each day: www.bergenfield.com

The Recycling Center at 198 N. Washington Ave, behind the DPW building, is open regular hours (closed on holidays): Mon-Fri 8:00am-3:00pm, Sat 9:00am-1:00pm, Sun 1:00pm-4:00pm. Please see the back (page 2) of your 2020 garbage & recycling pickup schedule calendar for pictures and descriptions of the items that are accepted at the Recycling Center, or review the information on the DPW section of the Borough website by clicking HERE.

If you have any questions, please call the DPW Office at 201-387-4055 option 3, Mon-Fri 7:00am-3:30pm (except for holidays as marked on your 2020 pickup schedule calendar), or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Thursday (11/19/20) - Daily Leaf Collection Update

Today (11/19/20), the DPW leaf collection crews collected leaf piles on the west side of the Borough on W. Main Street, and also west of Woods Avenue, as well as north of Graphic Boulevard, and on Prospect Avenue from Armour Place southward to New Bridge Road. On the east side, the crews collected leaf piles on Hickory Avenue, part of Johnson Avenue to Martin Street, as well as side streets.

Tomorrow (11/20/20), the DPW leaf collection crews will collect leaf piles on the west side of the Borough south of Graphic Boulevard towards Bergenfield High School. On the east side, the crews will collect leaf piles on Johnson Avenue southward.

Please click HERE for information on how and when to put your leaves, grass, and branches out for collection.

Wednesday (11/18/20) - Daily Leaf Collection Update

Today (11/18/20), the DPW leaf collection crews collected leaf piles on the west side of the Borough from Twin Boro Lane southward, stopping just before Riveredge Road. The crews also collected leaf piles on Graphic Boulevard. On the east side, the crews collected leaf piles from Merritt Avenue southward to Phelps Avenue, including Third Street, Fourth Street, and Chestnut Street.

Tomorrow (11/19/20), the DPW leaf collection crews will collect leaf piles on the west side of the Borough from Riveredge Road and southward, including Byrne Place, Beulah Place, Birch Avenue, N. Queen Street, and Woods Avenue. On the east side, the crews will collect leaf piles from Hickory Avenue southward.

Please click HERE for information on how and when to put your leaves, grass, and branches out for collection.

Tuesday (11/17/20) - Daily Leaf Collection Update

Today (11/17/20), the DPW leaf collection crews collected leaf piles on the west side of the Borough from Westside Avenue northward to Anderson Avenue. On the east side, the crews collected leaf piles from New Jersey Avenue southward to New York Avenue, including Momar Drive and Bergenfield sections of Maple Street.

Tomorrow (11/18/20), the DPW leaf collection crews will collect leaf piles on the west side of the Borough from Armour Place southward. On the east side, the crews will collect leaf piles from Merritt Avenue southward.

Please click HERE for information on how and when to put your leaves, grass, and branches out for collection.

Monday (11/16/20) - Daily Leaf Collection Update

Today (11/16/20), the DPW leaf collection crews collected leaf piles on the west side of the Borough from W. Church Street southward to Anderson Avenue, between Prospect Avenue and the railroad tracks. Also on the west side, the crews collected leaf piles on Greenwich Drive circle northward to W. Broad Street, as well as on Highview Avenue, Fairview Avenue, and Luke Avenue.

Tomorrow (11/17/20), the DPW leaf collection crews will collect leaf piles on the west side of the Borough from Westside Avenue northward to Anderson Avenue, and then from Twin Boro Lane southward. On the east side, the crews will collect leaf piles from New Jersey Avenue southward.

Please click HERE for information on how and when to put your leaves, grass, and branches out for collection.

Friday (11/13/20) - Daily Leaf Collection Update

Today (11/13/20), the DPW leaf collection crews collected leaf piles on the west side of the Borough from Sussex Road eastward to Windsor Road, and also from Wildrose Avenue eastward to Windsor Road. Also on the west side, the crews collected leaf piles between Prospect Avenue and the railroad tracks, from Columbia Avenue southward to Church Street. On the east side, the crews collected leaf piles between the railroad tracks and Washington Avenue, from Columbia Avenue to New Bridge Road.

On Monday (11/16/20), the DPW leaf collection crews will collect leaf piles on the west side of the Borough on Greenwich Drive circle northwards, as well as on Highview Avenue, Fairview Avenue, Luke Avenue, and other streets by Lincoln Elementary School. Also on the west side, the crews will collect leaf piles between Prospect Avenue and the railroad tracks, from Church Street southward.

Please click HERE for information on how and when to put your leaves, grass, and branches out for collection.

Thursday (11/12/20) - Daily Leaf Collection Update

Today (11/12/20), the DPW leaf collection crews collected leaf piles on the west side of the Borough from Highgate Terrace eastward to Rector Court. On the east side, the crews collected leaf piles from Carnation Street southward to Sylvan Avenue.

Tomorrow (11/13/20), the DPW leaf collection crews will collect leaf piles on the west side of the Borough from Rector Court eastward to Windsor Road, and then on Greenwich Street northward. The crews will also collect leaf piles on Stillman Avenue southward. On the east side, the crews will collect leaf piles on New Bridge Road and northward, between the railroad tracks and Washington Avenue, up to Columbia Avenue.

Please click HERE for information on how and when to put your leaves, grass, and branches out for collection.

Tuesday (11/10/20) - Daily Leaf Collection Update

Today (11/10/20), the DPW leaf collection crews collected leaf piles on the west side of the Borough on Thames Boulevard and adjacent streets. On the east side, the crews collected leaf piles from Pleasant Avenue to Highland Avenue and on Brookview Terrace.

Please note: the Borough Hall offices and DPW will be closed tomorrow (11/11/20) in observance of Veterans Day, so there will be no leaf collection on Wednesday (11/11/20).

On Thursday (11/12/20), the DPW leaf collection crews will collect leaf piles on the west side of the Borough from Highgate Terrace eastward to Windsor Road. On the east side, the crews will collect leaf piles on Brook Street and Beucler Place, and on Murray Hill Terrace southward.

Please click HERE for information on how and when to put your leaves, grass, and branches out for collection.

Monday (11/9/20) - Daily Leaf Collection Update

Today (Monday 11/9/20), the DPW leaf collection crews collected leaf piles on the west side of the Borough from Glenwood Drive and Westview Drive southward to New Bridge Road. On the east side, the crews collected leaf piles from Porter Avenue southward to Hillside Avenue. Leaf piles were also collected on the main roads.

Tomorrow (Tuesday 11/10/20), the DPW leaf collection crews will collect leaf piles on the west side of the Borough on Thames Boulevard and eastward to Sussex Road. On the east side, the crews will collect leaf piles on Pleasant Avenue and southward and also westward toward Washington Avenue onto Carnation Street, Magnolia Street, Tulip Street, and Lilac Street.

Please click HERE for information on how and when to put your leaves, grass, and branches out for collection.