198 N. Washington Avenue, Bergenfield, NJ 07621 | 201-387-4055

Borough Priorities

  • Our Mission Statement

    Read the Mission Statement of the Borough of Bergenfield, New Jersey
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  • Borough Hall Renovation Project

    View/download renderings & floor plans
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  • Bergenfield Food Pantry

    Hours of Operation: Mon.1-4pm & Thurs. 9am-1pm. Monetary and food donations can be provided by contacting Borough Hall 201-387-4055 ext. 6.
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  • Sustainable Jersey

    The Borough received Bronze Certification in 2018!
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Programs and Initiatives

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Programs sponsored or co-sponsored by the Recreation Department:

  • Bergenfield Baseball League 
  • Junior Wrestling - [Ed Volmer / 201-304-2330]
  • Junior Football - [Grade K thru 8] - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Junior Football Cheerleading - [Grades K thru 8]
  • American Legion Baseball Team
  • Valley Central Scholastic Baseball Team
  • UGALS Softball Team
  • Summer Recreation Program
  • Adult Volley ball Nights
  • Easter Egg Hunt
  • Halloween Parade
  • Fishing Derby
  • Coaches Clinics
  • Holiday Party At Cooper's Pond
  • Bergenfield Family Fun Day
  • A Taste of the Arts
  • Bergenfield Film Festival
  • 5K Run

Below you can link to other recreation sites within the community:

Bergenfield PAL
- Kevin Barlow /- / Age 5 thru 12

Bergenfield Little League - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

-Dave DiLlelo

T-Ball, Baseball / Ages 5 thru 12

Bergenfield United (Recreation) Soccer

-Juan Arango

Ages 5 thru 18

Bergenfield Junior Football and Cheerleading

-Holly Newman

Grades K thru 8th 

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers about the Summer Recreation Program at Memorial Park

Q- What are its hours of operation?
A- The summer recreation program starts on the first Monday after school closes for the year and continues for six (6) weeks. It opens at 9AM and runs through 4PM, weather permitting. There is no recreation on July 4th.

Q- What happens if it rains?
A- If it is raining before 9AM, recreation will be closed. A decision will be made by 12 Noon to see if recreation can reopen for the afternoon. If it’s still raining (or the facilities are wet and unusable), recreation will be closed for the day. If it starts to rain (or thunder & lightning) during recreation, all children must be picked up from the park. Because there are no indoor facilities for the recreation program, the program will shut down during these situations.

Q- Must I register my child for the Recreation Program?
A- Yes. Upon completion of registration, each child will be assigned to group, by age, and to a counselor. It is imperative that child stay with his/her counselor and his/her group.

Q- Is there a registration fee?
A- Yes. The registration fee is $175.00 per child ($125.00 for each additional family member) for Bergenfield residents. This fee is payable upon registration and it covers the entire six week program, regardless of how many weeks or days your child(ren) attend the program. There are NO refunds.

Q- What are the ages of the children in the program?

A- Ages 4 through 12. (4 yr. old program runs from 9AM to 12 Noon).

Q- Where does my child meet his/her counselor each day?
A- Each group has a designated meeting place. Children are to meet their counselor(s) at this location. Likewise, children will be dismissed from this location also. To make the comparison to a school setting, this is their classroom and their counselor is their teacher.

Q- What do I do about lunch?
A- You may come and pick up your child(ren) for lunch at whatever time you arrange with them. Be sure to let your child’s counselor know that you are taking your child for lunch (or at any other time when your child is leaving the program early). Or, your child may bring his/her lunch to the program and eat at the park with his/her group and counselor. Be sure to put your child’s name on the bag (or lunch box). Do not pack perishable items.

Q- What should my child bring to recreation?
A- Children are encouraged to bring a snack with them each morning. In the afternoon, the ice cream truck stops by and it is not a bad idea to give your child some money for ice cream. If your child is going to play in the sprinklers, a change of clothes and a towel are important. DO NOT let your child bring to recreation any personal equipment- baseball cards, toys, sports equipment, iPods, CD players, etc. Things like this are very often lost and/or misplaced.

Q- Are the sprinklers going to be used?
A- Yes. The sprinklers will be open from about 12 Noon to 3:45PM. (or earlier if warranted), weather permitting.

Q- Are there field trips and other special programs/events?
A- Yes. All field trips and other special programs and events will be announced several days in advance. Permission slips are required for all field trips. Also, there is a cost involved with each trip, which will be stated on the permission slip.

Q- Is there a phone number for the Recreation Office?
A- Yes. For emergencies only, you can call (201) 387-4055, then option #9.

Bergenfield Statistics

2.9 sq mi



Residents (2020 Census)




Median Household Income