198 N. Washington Avenue, Bergenfield, NJ 07621 | 201-387-4055


Mosquito Spraying 8/14

Bergen County Mosquito Control will be performing a truck-mounted spraying mission to control adult mosquitoes and larvae using Duet Adulticide and Vectobac WDG larvicide in some areas of Bergenfield on 8/14/20 between 4-6 AM. PLEASE KEEP YOUR WINDOWS CLOSED AND MOVE YOUR PETS, PET FOOD, AND WATER BOWLS, CLOTHING AND CHILDREN'S TOYS INSIDE DURING THE ULV APPLICATION. During the time of application, please remain indoors With windows closed and keep window air conditioners on non-vent (closed to the outside air) and window fans turned off. If you must remain outdoors, avoid direct contact with the spray. This operation is weather dependent and may be postponed until the next day. More information can be obtained through the Bergen County website: https://www.co.bergen.nj.us/mosquito-control/bergen-county-mosquito-control-spray-notice

Weekly Update 8/10/20

Bergenfield OEM
COVID-19 UPDATE 8/10/20 6:00pm

Total cases = 985; New cases in last 7 days = 6
Total deaths = 38; Total deaths in last 24 hours = 0

  1. Borough parks are open. Please bring hand sanitizer to use while at playgrounds.
  2. Boro Hall open weekdays 9am-3pm by appointment only.

Bergen County Mosquito Control - Spraying in Bergenfield on Friday, August 14th between 4:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.

mosquito spraying zone

Bergen County Mosquito Control will be performing a truck-mounted spraying mission to control adult mosquitoes and larvae using Duet Adulticide and Vectobac WDG larvicide in Bergenfield on Friday, August 14th. This application will be performed between the hours of 4-6 AM. Please keep your windows closed and move your pets, pet food and water bowls, clothing, and children’s toys inside during the ULV application. During the time of application, please remain indoors with windows closed and keep window air conditioners on non-vent (closed to the outside air) and window fans turned off. If you must remain outdoors, avoid direct contact with the spray. This operation is weather dependent and may be postponed until the next day. For more information and possible updates please visit https://www.co.bergen.nj.us/mosquito-control/bergen-county-mosquito-control-spray-notice

How to join 8/13/20 Board of Health meeting

Please be advised, due to the current state of emergency and public health emergency declared by Governor Murphy pursuant to Executive Order No. 103, and in an effort to prevent further spread of COVID-19, the Board of Health meeting will be held via Zoom on Thursday, August 13th , 2020 at 7:00 p.m. Members of the public can join this meeting from their computer, tablet or smartphone. Members of the public who join this meeting will be able to give public comment during the open hearing portions of the meeting. Below, please find the link to the meeting:

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 969 9437 3179

Passcode: 351070

One tap mobile

+19294362866,,96994373179#,,,,,,0#,,351070# US (New York)

+13126266799,,96994373179#,,,,,,0#,,351070# US (Chicago)

Dial by your location

+1 929 436 2866 US (New York)

+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Meeting ID: 969 9437 3179

Passcode: 351070

Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/acFl6j8Dej

Storm Isaias Update

According to PSE&G, only seven homes in Bergenfield remain without power as of 6:00pm on Sunday 8/9. Verizon and Optimum are still working to repair the phone and cable wires, and DPW is out every day cleaning up debris from the roads. Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you still don't have power so we can follow up with PSE&G. 

8/4/20: Recycling Center Closed

Due to safety issue from 8/4/20 storm, Recycling Center is closed until further notice.

UPDATE 8/20/20 2pm: Safety issue has been resolved. Recycling Center is re-opened. Recycling Center hours: Mon-Fri 8am-3pm (closed holidays), Sat 9am-1pm, Sun 1pm-4pm.

DPW Picking Up 8/4/20 Storm Debris from Curb

UPDATE 8/31/20: as of 8/31/20, the DPW is no longer picking up storm debris directly from the curb/street from the 8/4/20 storm. Please cut branches into 4 feet lengths, bundle, tie, and set out on the vegetative waste (V) pickup day marked on your 2020 pickup schedule calendar. Please place leaves and other yard debris into paper bags or 32-gallon or less size containers and set out for pickup on your quadrant's vegetative waste (V) pickup day. Branch bundles, paper bags, and containers must weigh no more than 50 lb each. Please reference your quadrant's 2020 pickup schedule calendar by clicking HERE.


The DPW will be collecting storm debris from the curb over the next few days. However, the DPW will not collect tree debris generated from a tree service. If you hired a tree service to cut your private tree, the tree company must take it away.

Please put large branches at the curb. Please cut up smaller branches into 4 ft. lengths, bundle, tie and place at curb. Leaves and other small debris, please place into 32 gallon or less containers or place in paper lawn bags and place at your curb.

There is no set collection day - the DPW will be around as soon as they are able to in the next few days.

If you have questions, please call or email the DPW Office: 201-387-4055 option 3, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


UPDATE 8/31/20: as of 8/31/20, the DPW is no longer picking up storm debris directly from the curb/street from the 8/4/20 storm. Please cut branches into 4 feet lengths, bundle, tie, and set out on the vegetative waste (V) pickup day marked on your 2020 pickup schedule calendar. Please place leaves and other yard debris into paper bags or 32-gallon or less size containers and set out for pickup on your quadrant's vegetative waste (V) pickup day. Branch bundles, paper bags, and containers must weigh no more than 50 lb each. Please reference your quadrant's 2020 pickup schedule calendar by clicking HERE.


Bergenfield's Response to Hurricane Isaias

The Bergenfield DPW and Bergenfield Police Department are working around the clock to assist residents who have been affected by the impacts of Hurricane Isaias. 

If you have suffered from any type of property damage (car, home, fence etc.) caused by a Borough tree, please first contact your insurance provider and then report it to Bergenfield Police. If you have a tree down, branches or debris on your property or street, please call the Bergenfield DPW at (201) 387-4055 (Ext. 4088). 

Power outages can be reported to PSE&G 24/7 via text (“OUT” to 4PSEG), online through MyAccount, on their mobile app, by using Alexa or by calling 1-800-436-PSEG (7734). We ask that all residents please be patient with your requests, and we will do our best to service you in a timely manner. The DPW plans to be servicing residents with tree/ property damage, over the next week. 

Should you have any further questions or problems other than those already listed, please call the Office of the Administrator at (201) 387-4055 (ext. 6) Thank you and be safe.

Update 7/31/20

Bergenfield OEM
COVID-19 UPDATE 7/31/20 2:00pm

Total cases = 953*; New cases in last 24 hours = 2
Total deaths = 38; Total deaths in last 24 hours = 0

  1. Borough parks are open. Please bring hand sanitizer to use while at playgrounds.
  2. Boro Hall open weekdays 9am-3pm by appointment only.

*As audits are conducted and contact tracing is performed, positive cases are expected to increase.


Updates on the impact of the COVID-19 / 2019 Novel Coronavirus ("Coronavirus Disease") upon the Bergenfield community, and the actions the Borough is taking

News from the Bergenfield Department of Public Works

News from the Bergenfield Health Department

News from the Bergenfield Public Library

News from the Bergenfield Office of Emergency Management

News from the Bergenfield Recreation Department

News from the Bergenfield Tax Office

Periodic messages from Bergenfield Mayor Arvin Amatorio

Check here for updates and information about our 125 anniversary celebration events & activities.